In 2016, over 12.7 million people volunteered in Canada. Helping each other is a part of Canadian culture, and it is the root of a strong country. Just like roots are needed for trees to bloom, volunteering is needed for Canada to grow.
Volunteering brings many exciting experiences and opens doors to future opportunities, but there is nothing more rewarding than helping others in your community. If you’d like to complete your Canadian experience, check out these 5 volunteer opportunities in Toronto.
1.- City of Toronto’s Special Events Office
From Nuit Blanche Toronto and the Cavalcade of Lights to the architectural discovery of Doors Open Toronto, the City offers you plenty of occasions to be involved in its events. Your role is important and may range from Accessibility Assistant, Art Guide, and Information Ambassador to Assistant Stage Manager.
Why joining them? This is a good way for you to witness what’s happening behind-the-scenes while using your newly gained event planning skills in a real-life situation! You could also get a chance to win the Volunteer Award for Arts and Culture (VAACT).
Find more information HERE.
2.- Toronto Wildlife Centre
If you are missing your cute puppy from back home or just love animals in general, you will enjoy volunteering for the TWC, Toronto Wildlife Centre. They provide a unique service for wildlife animals in Southern Ontario: rescue, veterinary care, rehabilitation, and education. Your role could involve anything from grocery shopping and run errands, to wildlife foster care for pets looking for a forever home.
Why helping them? You benefit from a free learning experience! You do not need special qualifications; they provide you training for all volunteer positions.
Interested? Click HERE.
3.- Toronto Public Library
The Toronto Public Library (TPB) is one of the world’s busiest library systems. You can borrow more than 10 million books, movies, and other items from their extensive collection. Your volunteer experience options at the TPL are wide: Adult Literacy, Homework Help for Teens, Youth Advisory Groups, and more! TPL is everywhere. With 100 branches across the city, whatever the neighbourhood you live in, you will find one close to your door.
Why doing it? It is an opportunity to improve your English reading and pronunciation skills while helping others!
Find all information HERE.
4.- Native Women’s Resource Centre of Toronto
The Native Women’s Resource Centre of Toronto is a community-based organization that gives an essential help to urban Indigenous women and their families. Indigenous or “Aboriginal”, define the original peoples of North America and their descendants. The centre is looking for extra hands to help out, for instance, with catering or tutoring.
Why volunteer there? You can extend your knowledge about Canada’s history and embrace the culture!
Click HERE for more information on how to join.
5.- St. Felix Centre

SEB students from Food and Beverage classes volunteered at St. Felix Centre. © M.G
This non-profit community centre is the perfect place to give back what Canada gave to you. St. Felix Centre is helping people in need every day by providing them with a full lunch and dinner. Students from the Service Excellence for Business program actively help this community centre during field trips as a part of their course assignments. Take a look at their work HERE.
Why is it good for you? You put into practice your food and beverage lessons while doing a good action.
Help them HERE.
Quote of the Day: “Doing nothing for others is the undoing of ourselves.” ― Horace Mann, an American educational reformer.
Word of the Day: Volunteer: a person who performs a service willingly and without pay.
Knowledge of the Day: United Nations Volunteers founded International Volunteer Day in 1985. We celebrate it every year on December 5.
Written by Marine Gas